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Yes, actively awful. Hostile-working-environment awful. Women cultivating plants in their offices because they know he hates plants and won't creep on them awful.

> Women cultivating plants in their offices because they know he hates plants and won't creep on them awful.

This 100% doesn't make any SENSE, and I read it five times. Can you please clarify?

When you have a hostile creep in the workplace the women in that workplace will have techniques they use to avoid the creep. This is because men do not believe those women when they say "this guy is a creep" and so no action gets taken against the creep. Or men do believe those women, but they decide not to do anything anyway.

Eventually the body of evidence is so huge people can't avoid taking action any longer.

We see this with Crosby, we see it with Epstein, we see it with Weinstein. Those people were monsters yet it took years for anything to happen.

RMS is clearly nothing at all like those men, but the denial of his abusive behaviours is the same.


Yes, clearly it's multiple women over decades who have somehow managed to independently exaggerate nearly identical stories.

Jesus Christ it's like a parody of tech's cluelessness here.

Confirmation bias. If the "multiple women" spans decades, you're probably actively looking for the hits and not looking at the misses. He's socially awkward so probably a lot of the "hits" are probably misinterpreting him.

There are other comments talking about how he has a phobia to plants so women grow them in their offices or wear clothing with plant imagery. This may or may not be true.

I prefer to think that Stallman finds this utterly hilarious and encourages the behavior.

> There are other comments talking about how he has a phobia to plants so women grow them in their offices or wear clothing with plant imagery.

A simple google search shows how dubious this is: https://www.google.com/search?q=richard+stallman+plants&safe... . Here's one where he's up a tree: https://www.lepoint.fr/technologie/richard-stallman-les-anon...

The whole plant thing seems obviously false so I wouldn't put too much faith in the other claims.

This sounds exaggerated to me. He's socially awkward so it's more likely women are taking his actions the wrong way. Richard Stallman holds ethics in high regard.

How about you just trust the word of women who have actually had to deal with him in person rather than try to imagine what you think he SHOULD be like?

Women have been complaining. For a long time. He is a big problem. He has been a big problem for a long time.

Because I know women who have dealt with him and they said he's fine.

Or maybe they know how you'd react if they told you the truth, so they don't?

Or maybe they're just playing the victim.

Thanks for demonstrating my point.

They brought no proof, so no. Show something on a cell phone video or whatever. And make it obvious, not something that can be interpreted in other ways. Then I'll believe it. But until that day comes, the burden of proof lies with the woman.

Really doubling down on demonstrating my point huh.

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