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Do you use FriendFeed?
13 points by rokhayakebe on June 5, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 35 comments
Are you using FriendFeed? I admit that I follow a few users here at HN and I am very interested in their opinions, ideas....HN is where we submit the most interesting items we find on the net, some other items we do not because we may feel as if it may not appeal to the crowd for whatever reason. I am interested in reading the other items that fall in your RSS feed and that you are not posting here. FriendFeed is a good place to do so. So if you are using FF, and you do not mind sharing your feed, please do. Thank you all.

Showoff :)

Btw, its great dude, kudos

;) already added you at sign up

Yes, I do.

There is a list of rooms here: http://blogoscoped.com/friendfeed/rooms

Instead of placing a link to all my web accounts eg, Digg, YouTube etc, I can just share my friendfeed account URL. It also incorporates digg comments into my feed. I can now take control of my scattered web actitivies.

It has a lot of potential with just a few tweaks here and there.


I find it pretty humorous when Scoble gets a hard on every time he's able to bring up FriendFeed.

Plus, the site is REALLY ugly. Like, really, really, really ugly.

You can clean up ff to make your eyes not want to explode with userstyles


I really shouldn't have to. That doesn't look like it would do much anyway. The site has no structure, the logo is stupid, and the default user icons are ugly.

More importantly though, I'm not into the functionality it offers.

I think this is an important point. We tend to view useless things(at least to ourselves) as ugly.

Not necessarily, I think Twitter looks great ;)

To each his own I suppose. The reason I was drawn to friendfeed was it's look n feel. Can't think of too many that I like more. Probably why none of the desktop or other versions have had any appeal

I can't help but think of Twitter every time someone mentions FriendFeed. I know I'm going to get a lot of flack for saying this, but FriendFeed now is exactly how Twitter was at the time of the SxSW rage. Everyone who wasn't using it "didn't know what they were missing" and it was going to be "the greatest thing since sliced email" and whatnot... Flash forward just several months, and the fad is over. These things can't sustain themselves, they take too much work, they're huge timesinks, and they have no real & tangible long-term benefits for their users. They may be fun at first, but as soon as the novelty wears off the number of users will also drop - as will he number of hard-core users that can't hear the service's name without wetting their pants in excitement.

FriendFeed has surpassed Twitter in that I can change my status in GTalk or place a message in the FriendFeed and it is like writing a tweet.

How much innovation has Twitter done? FF can absorb that functionality so easily...

You totally missed the point. The functionality it can absorb is useless, it doesn't matter who absorbs it.

There is obviously demand to write 'tweets' and always will be. So long as FriendFeeder and similar sites can role that functionality into it, then Twitter doesn't have much of a competitive advantage, that's all I am saying. That's my point.

Twitter has a developer community writing to its API, but those innovations come from outsiders.

Very helpful. Thank you.

its nice webapp where you get to know what serious people are reading or sharing. Like digg but far wider in scope. Comment troll is noise there

Most of the times I stumble on good site/article and really really nice pictures from flickr

and yes its unlike twitter. Twitter is like IM and you are allowed to communicate through status message. Its hip but how useful?

We have a room there for life scientists that's ended up being one of the best sources of info out there. None of us have ever found any use for Digg (and to a lesser extent Reddit). The best part, people really not into Twitter, etc have joined up. It's like a hybrid between a newsgroup and IRC but with a slicker, easier interface.

And yes, Twitter is a totally different beast and that's a good thing

Yeah I do, and you can follow the man himself at http://friendfeed.com/metatronscube :P

I do as well. I really think it's the best of the social media programs out there - particularly since twitter stopped working. FF is also evolving frequently, yesterday they added multiple admins to rooms as an example (much like a cosys or admin on irc). If you haven't given it a chance, I recommend you do. BTW I'm at http://friendfeed.com/pbrush


But if it's hacker or startup news I post it on news.yc.

Nope. I use http://talkaboutadate.com/about/greg. It just might get me a date. ;)

Yes, and I relly like it.

I love friend feed :)

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