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> We had a RescueTime group of YC Founders running during the Winter08 session, and I don't think anyone in the group EVER hit 10 hours of coding in a single day. Much less sustained it.

Can you please share what the maximum, median etc for this group was? I want to see where I stand.

I'll share my data. My max was 6.5 hours of coding. Since January, I've had 7 days where I spent more than 5 hours coding. My average (as given by the trendline) is about 3 hours/day.

Coding is my top (computer) activity on average. I spend about 45 minutes each on Reddit and news.YC; there's also a big long tail of time spent on untagged apps (often only 20 minutes or so each over the past half-year, but the total is nearly as much as Reddit + news.YC).

You are my A-List hacker :-p So, extra thanks for the data.

It was a small enough group that I won't share data, but I'll tell you mine (which is pretty similar to my co-founders, except Joe, who is an ANIMAL of productivity).

I have a "webdev" tag (which includes design and coding) that peaked at 7 hours, but typically is 3-4.5.

I have a "work" tag (which includes all webdev stuff AND work email-- customer support and fundraising mostly), which peaked at 10h 40m, but typically was more like 5-7.

About 10% of my time is untagged, which is probably split between 1-visit goofy sites and obscure CSS documentation, so you can round up the above numbers a touch.

Oh, and 27% of my time is spent on SOME Google App (gmail for domains, search, analytics, docs, reader). Google owns my ass. :-)

Thats very helpful. Thanks a lot Tony. (off topic: pic with pipe was way better than what you have now)

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