Now that the iPhone is on the Verizon network, the competition with Android will heat up.
Until now, Apple had to field unnerving questions about the total # of Android units sold vs iPhone units sold. But there was always a very relevant factor holding it back: to get the iPhone in the US, you had to be on AT&T.
Until now.
Now that the iPhone is no longer married to AT&T and will be offered by Verizon as well, millions will flock to get it. Now we can truly answer the question: do more people like the iPhone than Android phones?
I'm not sure about that, I don't know what pricing is like in the US but here (Ireland) Android phones are significantly cheaper. Most people I know who buy an Android phone, do so because it was a cheap phone, not because it's a 'smartphone' (excluding the more technically inclined friends of mine) — while the iPhone and Android are certainly competitors, I don't think people buy Android for the same reason. If I'm making sense...
Okay, it's still not a fair fight, but at least the iPhone is now on the two BIGGEST carriers, which means that it's less handicapped than before :)
Something tells me that if the iPhone was neck-and-neck with the Android phones for a while, now it will outpace them. ONE COMPANY beating a combined set of companies based on brand and quality (rather than lock-in effects). Go Apple!
Until now, Apple had to field unnerving questions about the total # of Android units sold vs iPhone units sold. But there was always a very relevant factor holding it back: to get the iPhone in the US, you had to be on AT&T.
Until now.
Now that the iPhone is no longer married to AT&T and will be offered by Verizon as well, millions will flock to get it. Now we can truly answer the question: do more people like the iPhone than Android phones?
My prediction: yes.