It's not a plug-in, so you can use any text editor (or install a GUI frontend). It has a powerful date scripting language that can be complex, but flexible enough to meet almost any need. Most events can be entered simply on one line of text and it will handle the sorting, so you can organize entries however you want (even including them from other files). Multiple output formats are available. I publish my calendar to my web site in HTML and PDF, while a cronjob emails a text version to me twice a day.
The only downside is that I end up managing the calendar for the whole family. I feel uneasy publishing my calendar to the cloud, but I'm considering using shared Google Calendars so everyone can manage there own schedules.
I thought this looked intriguing but since I am on a Mac I cannot even download their informational pdf... they block even that attempt to find out more. Pretty stupid on their part as now I'm not only not interested, I'm annoyed.
Ah, wow, the "Microsoft Policy" and "Apple Policy" are awesome. Glad to see a free software project that says, on its front page, that it would "prefer" you compile and run the software on "a platform that is not controlled by a free-software-hostile corporation."
Except that it just works fine on Mac and is as easy to compile there as on any other Unix/POSIX system.
I found their attitude against Apple highly annoying. When I clicked on the source download link (in Chrome), I just got this message:
Please do not run Remind on Mac OS
Downloading via wget worked though.
Then I started ./configure and I got this:
az@74-112 1130 (remind-03.01.10) %./configure
* *
* Configuring REMIND *
* *
Please don't use Apple products. This script will continue in 30 seconds
if you insist on compiling Remind on Mac OS X.
There is a major difference between being annoying about it's hardware "preferences", and a legally bound license and it's protection to prevent end-users from breaking those defined rules (VMs, Debuggers, and cryptographic DRM). The first doesn't do anything. The second protects profits and secrets.
If the authors of this program decided that they didn't actually like Apple enough to build in copy protection, that would be fine, but nagging brings out the hacker in me, and I want to install it on every OS X machine I can get my hands on, just because they told me not to without a contractual obligation.
> There is a major difference between being annoying about it's hardware "preferences", and a legally bound license and it's protection to prevent end-users from breaking those defined rules (VMs, Debuggers, and cryptographic DRM). The first doesn't do anything. The second protects profits and secrets.
Yes, exactly. Another way to say this is: an annoying message about platform "preferences" still ultimately respects your freedom, including your freedom to install and run the software on OS X. You are even free to distribute a copy that doesn't display the message -- indeed, I would encourage you to do so. A proprietary license and the technical means used to enforce it do not respect that freedom.
You seem to think that these two approaches carry the same moral status. If that's true, I must respectfully disagree. I don't believe that "protecting profits and secrets" is a sufficient justification for preventing people from using computers and software in a way that best suits their needs.
Respecting would be if it would be just a message.
Disabling the download for Mac users (I guess it is based on the user agent string of the browser) and making it just hang for 30 seconds is something different.
If the software's business model was to be free, but be supported financially by ads or commercials, then that is still another business model to give contribution to the authors. It actually does something.
As a user of free and commercial software, I would prefer in my dream world if everything was free under a BSD-like license. As a programmer, I realize that I need to feed myself just as the authors of the software I use do. Apple needs to protect their business model, one of which is that their OS should only run on hardware they sell. It ensures that their employees and shareholders can feed themselves and their families.
Compare that to Xchat, which is free in all forms except a Windows Binary. Reason being it takes significant effort and time to build and test on that platform. Remind has every opportunity to do something similar, by providing binaries and source free of charge for any other platform, but to distribute protection that makes sure that it does not run on OS X without payment or some other contribution. Just asking, without legally binding the end user, to not run it on the platform accomplishes and protects absolutely nothing.
That's the difference between free software and non-free software. So do you want to argue that Remind is not free? Or free with just some totally unneeded annoyance? What is really the point of Remind behaving that way except of being annoying?
OT: I never have heard that OSX tries to detect if it is running inside a VM and if it detects that, it refuses to run. Do you have some background info about it?
>That's the difference between free software and non-free software. So do you want to argue that Remind is not free? Or free with just some totally unneeded annoyance? What is really the point of Remind behaving that way except of being annoying?
Indeed, that is the difference. I'm not saying that Remind is not free; I'm saying that despite the message, it remains free software, and you are free to use it and modify it as you wish, which is more than can be said for much of Apple's software. The point of the message is not to be annoying, but to remind users that there is a significant difference between free and non-free software.
> OT: I never have heard that OSX tries to detect if it is running inside a VM and if it detects that, it refuses to run. Do you have some background info about it?
Here's a little bit: "The "Trusted Platform Module," or TPM, is a computer chip embedded inside Intel-based Macs to prevent the Intel-based version of Mac OS X from running on non-Apple hardware. (during installation of Mac OS X, Mac OS X interfaces with the TPM. If Mac OS X finds that the TPM doesn't exist, Mac OS X refuses to install or run.)" [1]
There are ways around this, I guess, and some people have succeeded in running OS X in a VM, but it's not permitted by the EULA, and I believe it's a lot more complicated than simply firing up VirtualBox and installing from an OS X disc.
I think the part about TPM simply isn't true. The reason OS X doesn't run on normal X 86 machines by default doesn't have anything to do with the TPM, there even isn't a TPM anymore in modern macs. You could use the TPM similar to how you can use an eToken to securely store your private key and sign stuff in hardware, it doesn't pose any limitations on your system.
Ah, ok. So it looks like my information is out of date, and Apple isn't shipping a TPM anymore. But they did, at some point, use a combination of hardware and software to try to prevent users from running OS X on non-Apple hardware (or a VM)?
Even if they didn't, the EULA still forbids it. And I'll take "Please don't use this software on this platform (but we won't stop you)" over "Don't use this software on this platform (or we can sue you)" any day...
How stupid is it? Extremely in my opinion. You are running the configure script on an Apple product, so of course you are insisting on compiling it. That is just unprofessional and in my opinion childish.
It's not a plug-in, so you can use any text editor (or install a GUI frontend). It has a powerful date scripting language that can be complex, but flexible enough to meet almost any need. Most events can be entered simply on one line of text and it will handle the sorting, so you can organize entries however you want (even including them from other files). Multiple output formats are available. I publish my calendar to my web site in HTML and PDF, while a cronjob emails a text version to me twice a day.
The only downside is that I end up managing the calendar for the whole family. I feel uneasy publishing my calendar to the cloud, but I'm considering using shared Google Calendars so everyone can manage there own schedules.