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Totally, this is why have the right tool for the job approach. I would not start up a Spark cluster for processing 100MB of data I also would not start to write a CLI tool in Clojure (even though it is one of my favorite languages).

I would write a CLI in Clojure if it were a reasonable option. Something like Gambit or Chicken but for Clojure would be a dream. I guess there’s Ferret, so maybe I should give that a try.

Also checkout Joker language. It's an interpreter that implements a subset of Clojure.

You got me thinking about that word, CLI. I know that usually means a Unix shell, but when I just run my bespoke file conversion tool from CIDER REPL, that interface is also a command line one, what else is it?

What a CLI wants to be when it grows up.

Check the REPL experience from Lisp Machines and Xerox PARC Lisp/Mesa/Smalltalk workstations.

Think of Swift Playgrounds or Jupiter notebooks, done in late 70's hardware.

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