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I built hardware mods on my Amiga 1000 and 500, and for members of my local Amiga club

What got me was how easy it was to do, yet a large company like Commodore was not doing that I did at home.

500KB original memory and 1.5 MB of memory piggy-back to the chip memory, 1.8 of high speed static memory, designed myself and install a CPU speed doubler, a gray composite (used analog colour signals) to drive a high persistence monochrome monitor, a Zorro bus to IBM ISA bus adapter, external triple floppy drive array.

All this was very easy to make, I don't know why Commodore could not do the same things.

Commodore was on the verge of bankruptcy, that's why, but the engineers designed the Amiga to be expandable so that people like you could do exactly what you have done: works as designed!

Commodore was still making good revenue up to 1993 despite peddling 7 year old designs. Firing all good engineers, cutting costs to the bone and selling outdated, but cheap to manufacture technology was a fantastic short term strategy. Surprisingly 1991 was the second best year by revenue, Commodore was already a walking corpse by then.


I was an Amiga user from 1988 to 1994 or so. 1991 felt like the peak of the Amiga. AmigaOS 2.0 was finally released, which was a huge upgrade. The A3000 was out... their first "professional" Amiga. There were lots of 3rd party vendors supporting it.

Sounds awesome are you still building hardware/mods? If so, for what hardware platforms?

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