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I guess one purpose of a mobile camera you can implement like that could be perimeter pen testing / red teaming. What did the author use their camera for?

Does the Raspberry Pi Camera have an IR? How is the quality? Why didn't the author bother to hide the Pi and the camera better in the case?

The pricing is dishonest. It first says "$8 Raspberry Pi that supports the camera module." and then later on it mentions Raspberry Pi 3. AFAIK that does not cost $8, and furthermore its missing on the other necessary components such as a microSD card.

I'm using Xiaomi Dafang Hacks [1] right now, as I found that a cheap solution. Approx 25 EUR for the Dafang camera. Its a MIPS machine.

[1] https://github.com/EliasKotlyar/Xiaomi-Dafang-Hacks

There are many different kinds of cameras for the RasPi - some have IR illumination and/or filters removed, others don't. Some allow interchangeable lens, others are "fixed".

Quality can vary depending on the camera. I have a RasPi Zero W camera at my home (monitoring my front door and patio) that runs MotionEyeOS:


The camera is a tiny thing but 5 MP and color; quality has been very good in my opinion. Better than anything I could have bought at that price point (and certainly less intrusive - so many IP cameras require "cloud services" or something like that to work). Total cost for everything I used was well under $50.00 USD.

A cheaper option, which I am considering playing around with - but not as easy to set up - is this nice little module based around the ESP32:


There are a few IP camera projects and github repos out there, but nothing anywhere near as polished as MotionEyeOS, yet.

I don't see any reason you couldn't use a Pi Zero but you would need the wireless flavour for what's described. I'd guess that's slightly more than $9.

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