> If you spend all your time trying to prove to strangers that you're hip to the latest trends, just how much time are you spending doing anything of actual value?
This is something I've wondered about a lot of social media users to be honest. I mean, if you're seeming spending all day on Twitter or what not, how are you finding the time to actually do any work? Do any of these super outgoing social media addicted conference every week developers actually have a full time job? Or is their entire career about promoting themselves?
I would absolutely hate it to be interrupted in the middle of a good coding session by someone who wants to talk to me on twitter about the hype of the day.
This is something I've wondered about a lot of social media users to be honest. I mean, if you're seeming spending all day on Twitter or what not, how are you finding the time to actually do any work? Do any of these super outgoing social media addicted conference every week developers actually have a full time job? Or is their entire career about promoting themselves?