One other thing a lot of people don't know about Rubinius is that its fundamental concurrency primitive is Rubinius::Channel, similar to channels in Go. For example, see Rubinius' implementation of class Mutex:
Quoth MenTaLguY: MenTaLguY: Channels are the basic communication primitive in Rubinius; everything else is implemented atop them. The fundamental concurrency model is more or less the asynchronous pi calculus minus replication and a few common extensions like non-deterministic choice (which potentially requires channel operations to be centrally arbitrated). I advocated pi calculus channels because of their simplicity, which generally translates to performance and maintainability.
"You know, it's crazy that Python and Ruby fans find themselves battling so much. While syntax is different, this exercise proves how close they are to each other!"
...Which is the apparent reason for naming the codebase "unHoly". A code ambassador to try to mediate a peaceful resolution to the holy wars. (Pyhad? Rusades? I bet _why could have come up with a better name.)
Quoth MenTaLguY: MenTaLguY: Channels are the basic communication primitive in Rubinius; everything else is implemented atop them. The fundamental concurrency model is more or less the asynchronous pi calculus minus replication and a few common extensions like non-deterministic choice (which potentially requires channel operations to be centrally arbitrated). I advocated pi calculus channels because of their simplicity, which generally translates to performance and maintainability.