There's a 24-hour Kroger near where I used to live that would routinely shut down the last human cashier around 10PM, which was about an hour too early.
This resulted in a nightly backup at the two self-check lines they'd leave open, sometimes taking 20+ minutes to check out.
Even as someone who prefers to self-checkout: It was a mess.
Target often runs large metro stores with TWO cashiers. I once went into the Target on 14th St in Manhattan and saw just a single human. Most customers are already conditioned to go through the self checkout.
I am all for these setups because I can check out faster in many cases and I can bag it as I want it bagged. saving money or not its the convenience which sold me
This exactly, in the US the norm is for cashiers (or baggers) to put just 2 or 3 items in a single plastic bag, and if you bring your own reusable bag they usually have no idea how to deal with that, unless you get a pro-level cashier who will then pack things in nicely.
I'd believe it if there were somehow a fine for using a human checkout. But there isn't.
So every once in a while four bell pepper somehow scan as three. Accidents happen, full plausible deniability.