If you care to search you'll find that this story has appeared here on HN several times in the past several months. There has been much discussion, again and again. I'm currently on my mobile and can't easily search for you.
OK, I've got to a proper computer and here are some search results:
If you like stories like this, there are a number of similar stories (e.g. this one, cracking the enigma code, protecting convoys) in a book called The Pleasures of Counting: http://www.amazon.com/Pleasures-Counting-T-W-K%C3%B6rner/dp/... - it's not all world war 2, but is very interesting and does contain a lot of information on the math used during the war.
For some services, your growth may not be proprietary info — you may want to show incrementing IDs off, or make all your artifacts trivially discoverable.
But, if you have an internal autoincrement ID that you want to obfuscate, what's the best simple practice, minimizing token expansion?
OK, I've got to a proper computer and here are some search results:
Each of these has substantial discussion, and I'm pretty sure there are more.