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If you are looking for more practical resources related to architectures in the cloud, you should take a look at https://coderecipe.ai . It is a dev community that allows others to share recipes (architecture + pros/cons/limitation/cost analysis + deployment instruction + source code) that can be used directly in real life situations.

If you have one or a few specific domain of architectures in mind, for example “how to do user management in AWS”, you can search for a collection of similar architectures like this https://coderecipe.ai/search?q=%23usermanagement , this way you can compare different alternatives. Similarly, if you are interested in different ways to “Store time series of data”, there’s also a collection of that here https://coderecipe.ai/search?q=%23timeseriesdb. The site contains a lot of recipes that is based on serverless design, so this will give you everything serverless related https://coderecipe.ai/search?q=%23serverless .

I am the founder of this platform, currently we have mostly AWS related recipes but there will be more GCP and Azure stuff coming soon, let me know if you have any questions :)

Nice. I was thinking on the same line.

Like UX Pin, Dribble, there should be for backend/front end software architecture.

I liked the site. What's plan on adding more resources?

We are currently testing different domains, what are you interested to see more?

End to end system design.

What is the architecture of coderecipe. It looks like angular on front end. What are you using for CMS?

When you say e2e, how big of the scope are you talking about? from frontend to everything in backend? can you give an example? I think the bigger the scope is, the more it will be used as a reference rather than directly able to use?

architecture of coderecipe: haha good question! yes we are using angular for frontend, and CMS is custom code built on top of AWS serverless.

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