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A nice reply, upvoted.

I would note that if you start your list with OO then you're including abstractions that almost all professional programmers would consider not abstractions but basic tools. It's impossible to work without such abstractions, except by working in purely procedural code, and even then...

I would add that if "a requirement that you understand X before you can even start to work on the code" is the case then your abstraction has - arguably, I may be wrong! - failed. My DOM iterator abstraction would take some effort of understanding to maintain, which was my concern, but it was a very simple black box to use.

A simple example of an abstraction for which this is not true is the MVC design. If you don't understand how it works, you don't know where to begin looking to make a change to the system.

And yes, some abstractions truly are basic tools. And the more experience you have, the more basic they seem, and the more such tools you have.

I am not arguing against abstraction per se. What I am arguing is that abstractions bring a cost, and that cost adds up. A project needs to find an appropriate balance, and there is a tendency for experienced programmers to draw that balance at a point that may or may not be appropriate for the people who have to maintain the system after them.

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