Apple is attempting to do whatever it takes to monopolize the after-market.
Google is not. Search "pixel3 repair" or "iphoneX repair" on google and in both cases, you might get a couple of official apple or google hits at the top as you'd expect, and then scores of hits for iFixit and independent repair shops including maps.
I absolutely believe GP got nailed by adwords, but it doesn't seem like the search itself is being warped to pretend like there's no options.
Google is not. Search "pixel3 repair" or "iphoneX repair" on google and in both cases, you might get a couple of official apple or google hits at the top as you'd expect, and then scores of hits for iFixit and independent repair shops including maps.
I absolutely believe GP got nailed by adwords, but it doesn't seem like the search itself is being warped to pretend like there's no options.