This doesn't seem that new to me, besides the location being in Canada. I watched a PBS special on Carnivorous plants recently and they covered the fact that pitcher plants in some parts of the world will digest the rodents that fall into them. The rodents like to lick the sweet nectar and poop in the plants which benefits both species. However, they do sometimes fall in and then die and are slowly digested. Researchers filmed this and then found rodent skeletons in some of the plants.
Funny enough, someone found this back in Victorian days and all the papers talked about the meat eating plant. The Venus fly trap seriously put a dent in their view of plants. This was all talked about in the same PBS special.
Funny enough, someone found this back in Victorian days and all the papers talked about the meat eating plant. The Venus fly trap seriously put a dent in their view of plants. This was all talked about in the same PBS special.