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At my current project we try to do everything as functional as possible (we're backend developers using node).

After a year or so of trial and error, we have pretty much stopped using reduce. The reason is that it pretty much always causes the code to be far less readable, specially for new devs that come from more object oriented approaches.

With the .Map, .foreach and .filter, methods we don't usually have that problem, people get the hang of them quite quickly and find them more elegant, but reduce always seem to require to stop for a few seconds to learn what it's doing.

> After a year or so of trial and error, we have pretty much stopped using reduce

I see Reduce (along with recursion itself) as the equivalent of a "low-level" construct in functional programming.

It is a great building block for other functions like sum/product, and even those demonstrated in the article, but not something that programmers should be using everyday.

I think it's very appropriate to have a rule to only use reduce (and recursion too!) inside "utility" libraries.

I work on a similar team, with a mix of people who want to use functional styles and those who want something more imperative.

I lean toward the pro-functional style, but I also put a few strong constraints on when to use reduce. Namely, I would almost never use it in cases where I either want to (a) mutate something other than the accumulator or (b) include more than two branches of control flow in the reducer function.

This kind of goes for all the functional array methods. Many people are tempted to use them simply as alternate syntax for iterating through the array (i.e., a simple loop), where the loop body could contain several statements -- i.e., data mutation side effects, taking different execution paths based on certain conditions, etc. The functional style is way less clear in this sort of code.

The benefit of the functional style in the context of javascript array methods is when you can see at a glance what the shape of the resulting value is with respect to that of the source array. This is usually best done when the body of the reducer/mapper/filterer is a single expression.

I think it’s reasonable to expect engineers to be able to learn how .reduce works. It’s part of JavaScript, after all.

If a new hire doesn’t know (a junior dev, or someone without experience in JS/Scala/etc.), an hour of reading plus coding exercises should be plenty to get them up to speed (if it’s not, that would be a red flag to me, and could be a sign of poor performance to come in other areas, too).

The distinction isn't “can possibly learn” but “can clearly and immediately understand while doing the real work”. It's one thing to sit down and play around with alternate styles, code golfing, etc. but for production work it's usually best to pick the most understandable way to reduce the cognitive overhead so when someone is making a change, debugging, profiling, etc. they're not instead spending time decoding the clever trick their predecessor (possibly them six months ago) used.

This is particularly true with religiously following functional style in languages which weren't designed from the ground up to work that way. The results usually take more time to understand and are often slower because the runtime is not as optimized for uncommon styles.

Readability isn't the same thing as learnability.

Our reasonsing wasn't "I don't expect them to be able to learn" as much as "it doesn't seem to be worth the extra effort to have them learn this skill". For us, reduce didn't make code more performant, readable or maintanable, so if felt a bit like shooting ourselves in the foot in a search of "purity".

As a freelancer, I go from comoanies to companies. Most of the dev I worked with were not 10x. Not even average HN level.

You gotta deal with reality at some point.

> specially for new devs that come from more object oriented approaches

Could this be solved by accepting in the team only those devs who are comfortable with functional programming? :-)

It could, but it's not in our hands.

And to be fair to management, there's not much of an argument to be made to shrink the pool of candidates so we can use reduce, if we're not seeing that feature bring anything to the table...

We already work with a somewhat small pool of candidates - they need to be somewhat competent, preferably familiar with niche technologies that we use in other areas, and willing to work mainly with JS.

> there's not much of an argument to be made to shrink the pool of candidates so we can use reduce

Sure, but since you mentioned that your team tries to write javascript in a functional paradigm, doesn’t it make sense to filter out candidates who aren’t comfortable with functional programming in general (and reduce is a marker, albeit very superficial, of candidate’s familiarity with this paradigm)?

Of course I don’t know how hardcore your functional style is; whether it’s just map-filter-reduce, or whether it’s also currying, composing and lenses (basically, ramda; also not very familiar to OOP programmers, I would imagine), or whether it’s all the way down to imitating Haskell in Javascript (Maybe monad, Either monad, State monad, reader monad, lifting, etc.; basically, crocks).

> doesn’t it make sense to filter out candidates who aren’t comfortable with functional programming

Only if your business success depends on it, which sounds very unlikely. It's already difficult to hire devs, no need to make it harder just so that you can check a programming style checkbox.

But having a programming style checkbox checked means the developer will almost immediately be productive in your codebase.

If you are saying that familiarity with a particular programming paradigm doesn’t matter, then does familiarity with a language matter? People still check for that :-)

On the other hand, if you happen to have the problem of many qualified developers applying for a position, picking the one that happens to know functional programming in additional to the procedural style is often a good choice.

> if you happen to have the problem of many qualified developers applying for a position

But the OP has already said that's definitely not the case:

> We already work with a somewhat small pool of candidates

> Sure, but since you mentioned that your team tries to write javascript in a functional paradigm, doesn’t it make sense to filter out candidates who aren’t comfortable with functional programming in general (and reduce is a marker, albeit very superficial, of candidate’s familiarity with this paradigm)?

Well, the issue of reduced readability wasn't just there for people unfamiliar with functional programming, people used to OOP were just more affected by it. So even if we could hire only functional programmers, using reduce wasn't really improving our work in any way.

> Of course I don’t know how hardcore your functional style is; whether it’s just map-filter-reduce, or whether it’s also currying, composing and lenses (basically, ramda; also not very familiar to OOP programmers, I would imagine), or whether it’s all the way down to imitating Haskell in Javascript (Maybe monad, Either monad, State monad, reader monad, lifting, etc.; basically, crocks).

Rather than seeing it in terms of more/less deep, we choose which functional style features we implement depending on how much they help us and how much we feel they fit well with the language: Using the Either monad for example didn't seem to make much sense for us while working with JS's (lack of) types, while on the other hand everything related to first order functions tends to fit rather well - using partial application for dependency injection comes to mind, which greatly helps us to make code easier to test and refactor.

I would say that striving for immutability has proved to be the best bang for the buck so far, as it's extremely reduced the amount of bugs in our codebase with little to no cost in readability or maintainability - although probably with a non-negligible cost in terms of performance.

Avoiding the use of reduce/fold is a good thing even in teams with more experience in functional programming.

The problem is not reduce itself, it's the code that uses it.

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