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The persecution complex among predominantly white males right now is high because there's a significant social change occurring that is causing those who've been disadvantaged the same privileges that white males have enjoyed alone for much of recent human history. It's a natural human reaction to care more about loss than to see the potential upside. We've also seen this numerous times before. The rise of Nazism was the natural response to the harsh restrictions of WW1 which is why the Marshall plans included Germany in the rebuilding opportunities.

Many of those on the right address looking for power and utilize this gut reactionary response by those who feel disenfranchised for their own purposes. It's why fighting against a populist like President Trump with facts doesn't work. If reality don't fit the narrative, make a different reality. It's a very effective propaganda technique that usually requires an outside force to break. The US did something similar with the fight against communism and really had a hard time redefining Americanism once the Soviet Union collapsed. That's why the so called war on terror will never end. In order for America to be the good guys there needs to be bad people too. So in order for the alt-right to be the victim they either find villains on the left or they make them up. AOC is a perfect example of a toothless villain. She's a junior congresswomen with no real power, but she's constantly villainized far beyond the risk she poses to anyone on the right. Physically though she embodies the fears of white guys being replaced from their positions of power.

> that is causing those who've been disadvantaged the same privileges that white males have enjoyed alone for much of recent human history

No. Black people can't own slaves. They aren't going to get to profit off centuries of colonial oppression. They aren't going to get to be the only enfranchised people in the country.

They won't even get to enjoy the comfortable middle class lifestyle that persisted until the late 20th century.

I was trying to limit the context to recent times specially for this reason. You're absolutely correct, they won't get all the rights and privileges that previous people in power had, not should they. And you're correct that they won't receive those rights alone. However they should receive the benefits that they are entitled to by the efforts of their work and their character and the arc of history is slowly bending in that direction Unfortunately none of this means that there won't be an inevitable backlash against those who deserve it the least.

And yet, many SJW's and Berniebros are white dudes... Self-hating, perhaps? Or maybe the whole narrative that "the right is powerful because White guys are furious about having to give up their inherent power!" just doesn't stand up to even the most cursory scrutiny. It's blatant propaganda; fake news meant to demonize and discredit conservative thought, even to make it "radioactive" in the eyes of the (largely bandwagoning) general public. And these people have the gall to say that their political opponents are tantamount to Nazis? Sad and despicable!

I mean I'm not saying they're evil, it's just how history works. Those in power object to losing said power.

Edit: Nor was I trying to make the claim that this is limited to any political party. It's a tool commonly used in populism.

It's interesting you're lumping those two groups together. Generally, it's well-understood in in democratic circles that the so-called "Bernie Bros" are far more preoccupied with issues of economic than social justice, and less concerned with race. They face a good bit of criticism from not just the left, but also the "woke" pro-capitalist centrists on the matter.

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