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I thought they had them hashed and salted, but the crackers are using rainbow tables and brute force to crack them?


No, they weren't. According to the "Release Notes", they were using a DES-based crypt scheme. Read up on tptacek's (http://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=tptacek) comments on the matter.

Yes, as you told, I was writing from my memory and I remembered having read DES encryption with password in source somewhere.

But It seems it was a DES based hashing: http://www.duosecurity.com/blog/entry/brief_analysis_of_the_...

[edit] deleted the parent post because I could not find the article I remembered (which was probably wrong anyways).

Do you have a reference for that? Everything I've read (not really authoritative) indicated they were using the standard crypt interface, which does use DES, but is a lot closer to salted hash then encrypted. I can see the issue getting confused either way (people see DES, don't know what to think), but using crypt seems a lot more likely.

Brute force? Yes.

Rainbow tables? No. That's the purpose of a salt. The table needs to be several orders of magnitude bigger.

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