One of the benefits of Lisp based languages is that they usually come with powerful macro based meta-programming facilities.
I've use macro systems quite often in more or less complicated ways: as a professional assembly language programmer, in school when studying Lisp DSLs, when using my favorite editor Emacs and its elisp, in systems I've built similar to Moores TRAC programming language, M4, my extensive use of TeX and LaTeX for decades, C++ STL, sendmail configurations, etc.
Over the years, I've lost my enthusiasm for powerful meta-programming facilities like Lisp macros. The underlying languages are Turing complete and don't strictly need meta-programming, and most modern languages aren't lacking in abstraction mechanisms available to programming without meta-linguistic alterations.
Like operator overloading, sophisticated macro systems change the semantics of program source code in ways that are not obvious. They allow new variants of the programming language to be created willy nilly placing demands on me the reader, maintainer, or user of a programming language package to fully understand the implementation of the meta-linguistic features. Powerful macro systems encourage a thick frosting of magic to be applied on the implementation of complex systems.
Some systems, like Lisp or Scheme or TeX, would be difficult to use without macro extensions, but it seems to me that identifying a good set of built-in abstractions for writing programs and building the language around them is a better approach. I am so grateful for the TicZ graphics package for LaTeX, it's all built out of TeX's crazy flexible macro system, but I'm even more grateful that I've never had to touch the source for it. Take a peek at: [1].
I've use macro systems quite often in more or less complicated ways: as a professional assembly language programmer, in school when studying Lisp DSLs, when using my favorite editor Emacs and its elisp, in systems I've built similar to Moores TRAC programming language, M4, my extensive use of TeX and LaTeX for decades, C++ STL, sendmail configurations, etc.
Over the years, I've lost my enthusiasm for powerful meta-programming facilities like Lisp macros. The underlying languages are Turing complete and don't strictly need meta-programming, and most modern languages aren't lacking in abstraction mechanisms available to programming without meta-linguistic alterations.
Like operator overloading, sophisticated macro systems change the semantics of program source code in ways that are not obvious. They allow new variants of the programming language to be created willy nilly placing demands on me the reader, maintainer, or user of a programming language package to fully understand the implementation of the meta-linguistic features. Powerful macro systems encourage a thick frosting of magic to be applied on the implementation of complex systems.
Some systems, like Lisp or Scheme or TeX, would be difficult to use without macro extensions, but it seems to me that identifying a good set of built-in abstractions for writing programs and building the language around them is a better approach. I am so grateful for the TicZ graphics package for LaTeX, it's all built out of TeX's crazy flexible macro system, but I'm even more grateful that I've never had to touch the source for it. Take a peek at: [1].