I just find racket to be more fun. If I'm blowing off some steam on the weekend, racket is what I reach for. It feels clean like scheme, but has the "batteries included" feeling of python. Clojure is alright, but it feels more like work than fun. I don't really know how to justify that feeling, but that's how it feels. I guess it's little things like racket/match being an 'included battery', and having a ton of useful forms already defined out of the box (e.g. match-lambda and match-letrec-values.) Clojure's core.match is pretty spartan in comparison, last I checked.
As far as macros go, I greatly prefer racket's syntax-parse to anything else I've tried.
I think I was trying to articulate the same thing before, why Racket instead of more-practical-tool-here for "experiments/fun" and it really is just because it's more fun to work with, nearly everything you need is in there!
Also personally something I wish more functional languages would have is a little bit of Racket's maximalism with its forms like: (for/list ([e (range 10)]) e) [1] and for/fold, including the nested ones and the like that make mapping over things and even filtering a dream!
I implemented racket's for loops for guile scheme (my server is down since a week, so my hosted documentation isn't up, but you can find it in the repo linked below). It is maybe not a trivial macro, but I didn't need to struggle much to reach about 90% feature parity with racket.
The code it outputs is almost always as fast as a hand-rolled named-let (just as with racket), and you can port it without much difficulty to other schemes. I support most of the sequence iterators (in-range, in-list etc) and support non-tco loops to create things like lazy streams.
As far as macros go, I greatly prefer racket's syntax-parse to anything else I've tried.