Boeing will likely have to submit to additional certification internationally, and possibly additional retrofits to bring it into parity with at a minimum the same level of redundancy that Airbus is held to (for the EU at least).
Enough dice were cast that it would be diplomatically/economically inconvenient for the EU to lock out the MAX entirely without seriously inconveniencing every other country that invested in building out their fleets with them.
8 ball is not saying that the EU doesn't have the wherewithal to stone wall Boeing, but... somehow more air traffic is likely to be seen as more satisfying to the palate in the long run than any gains to be had by grandstanding too hard against American Corporate Corruption in the short term.
<shakes for more detail>
Boeing will likely have to submit to additional certification internationally, and possibly additional retrofits to bring it into parity with at a minimum the same level of redundancy that Airbus is held to (for the EU at least).
Enough dice were cast that it would be diplomatically/economically inconvenient for the EU to lock out the MAX entirely without seriously inconveniencing every other country that invested in building out their fleets with them.
8 ball is not saying that the EU doesn't have the wherewithal to stone wall Boeing, but... somehow more air traffic is likely to be seen as more satisfying to the palate in the long run than any gains to be had by grandstanding too hard against American Corporate Corruption in the short term.