I think you're using the word "alt-right" wrong. When other people use it, they're talking about the people who marched in Charlottesville, and lurk on freerepublic and Stormfront. A free nation for a certain pale skin tone, and those blacks and yellows can go be proud Africans and Asians on their respective continents. But not red people, we already took their land, so they can suck eggs.
He is using the original meaning, which has since been hopelessly slandered by those who compete with the alt-right. This competition isn't just with the left; there is a fight for control of the republican party. (hence "alt", meaning neither the religious right nor the globalist libertarian right)
That original meaning may be a lost cause. The same happened to the word "hacker", though that seems to be recovering after a quarter century of having a criminal connotation. For years and years Richard Stallman would insist on the older meaning, while the general public mostly thought it only meant people writing computer viruses and invading mainframes.
No such "original meaning" for alt-right exists, and I'll drive straight back to the wellspring if you make me. I study this stuff. The alt-right movement has, since its very inception, been the nexus of misogynistic and white-supremacist fearmongering with recruitment channels pulling from the chans, from games, and from the MRA community.
That is literally all it is and these attempts at revisionism are poor attempts at that.