This is great staff! Finally there is an Open Source initiative to create a robust transport for sync audio streaming. Existing Open Source solutions that come to my mind (like SlimProto, SnapCast, ffmpeg) focus on providing 'a product' rather than a reusable 'transport'. Few questions: how do you 'capture' PCM stream in case of ALSA? It is straight forward to create a PA sink and plug it into PA configuration, but I am wondering about pure ALSA.
Disclaimer: I am an author of
> Few questions: how do you 'capture' PCM stream in case of ALSA? It is straight forward to create a PA sink and plug it into PA configuration, but I am wondering about pure ALSA.
Good question :) Roc does not implement any special capturing code for ALSA, it just reads from the given device (using SoX currently). The user is supposed to use something like snd-aloop.
It would be possible to create a custom ALSA plugin I guess, but we have no plans for that currently.
You're right about the transport vs product part. I would prefer to work on the transport. And an ALSA plugin would be a product on top of it so it should be a separate project ideally. Actually, the same is true for our PulseAudio modules. I hope later we will either submit them to upstream or separate into a standalone project.