> So you just want to use Google services completely for free without contributing anything.
Not necessarily. I believe that google's services are good enough to use them, and I'd certainly pay a few bucks a month to do so and be their customer - and not be the product that they sell to their customers. I'm also pretty sure that they'd make more money off of me paying them for providing a service to me than they make by selling my data to advertisers (me blocking ads and all that). If the only way of "contributing" however is to give up my privacy, then yes, I don't want to contribute.
That would be more of a "paying for something", I think. I don't use Google Apps, I have a gmail account that I don't regularly use. I'm a simple man, I just use search (and it's variations) and maps, and the occasional YT video. I understand that GSuite doesn't touch those, so while a good idea from a moral view ("I can't pay you for this, so I'll pay you for that which I never use but can pay for"), it doesn't change the privacy invading parts of the products I actually do use.
A lot of online publications frustrate me with this as well. They're only supported through advertisements, and request that you disable your ad blocker.
LET ME GIVE YOU MONEY! I would pay for the ability to read your site. Right now I have the choice of ad blocking and preventing them from earning much of anything or giving up my privacy to support them.
It's especially ironic given that many of these sites are increasingly writing about the dangers of "surveillance capitalism" and big tech.
Not necessarily. I believe that google's services are good enough to use them, and I'd certainly pay a few bucks a month to do so and be their customer - and not be the product that they sell to their customers. I'm also pretty sure that they'd make more money off of me paying them for providing a service to me than they make by selling my data to advertisers (me blocking ads and all that). If the only way of "contributing" however is to give up my privacy, then yes, I don't want to contribute.