Actually, if you want to go back even further... Jef Raskin of Mac fame created a programming language called FLOW in 1971 for teaching computer programming to humanities students. It's a cute little language (you definitely wouldn't want to implement anything significant with it) but he claimed that students who worked with it first did much better when introduced to "traditional" languages (BASIC, FORTRAN, etc.) than those who went in cold.
Among other things, it has the first implementation of what we would now call "autocomplete" that I know about.
References at the bottom of the page. I actually contacted the Stanford University Library to get them to send me copies of his journal pages and papers so I could implement it.
Among other things, it has the first implementation of what we would now call "autocomplete" that I know about.
If you're at all intrigued, I made a go at implementing the interface as described here:
References at the bottom of the page. I actually contacted the Stanford University Library to get them to send me copies of his journal pages and papers so I could implement it.