This site looks like it was designed back in the 90s, but the actual service sounds quite useful.
If you mail letters infrequently and/or don't own a printer, you're saving yourself the trouble of buying envelopes, buying postage, printing at Staples, etc.
But I bet the site could greatly improve its marketability by investing in a refresh of the site design.
I wonder if they've done some testing to compare designs.
A site that looks like it's designed in the 90s is probably highly attractive for many users. This "Mail A Letter Online" site, if compared to a 2019-looking snazzy SPA "" Bootstrap site and mobile app, probably wouldn't do as well for some audiences. But if their target demographic likes this style better, then this site is what they should be using.
Also, nothing prevents them from also starting up Photoshop and designing a snazzier sister site that's fulfilled through the same physical service.
Judging from the fact that the "How did you find us?" box on registration offers options like "Yahoo!", "MSN Search", "Ask", I'd say it's actually quite old (not saying that's a bad thing)
If you mail letters infrequently and/or don't own a printer, you're saving yourself the trouble of buying envelopes, buying postage, printing at Staples, etc.
But I bet the site could greatly improve its marketability by investing in a refresh of the site design.