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Mr.doob adds WebGL Minecraft demo to three.js (mrdoob.github.com)
29 points by ranza on Dec 6, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

Mindcraft -> Minecraft. tree.js -> three.js. webgl -> WebGL. Mr. Doob -> Mr.doob.


haha sorry dude! But MindCraft sounds like a hell of a game

If it has anything to do with Mind Game, I'll buy it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU4EfF85u60

Instructions under OSX

To get this working in Webkit Nightly - webkit.org

1. install Webkit Nightly from http://nightly.webkit.org/

2. paste the following into terminal: defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitWebGLEnabled -bool YES

3. visit the link (this has minor render issues for me under webkit)

To get it working in Chromium:

1. first install latest chromium from: http://build.chromium.org/f/chromium/snapshots/chromium-rel-...

2. Drag into Applications folder

3. launch from terminal using: ./Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium --enable-webgl

4. visit the link

You might want to check out http://www.chromium.org/developers/demos-gpu-acceleration-an... for some more awesome webGL demos.

or, mrdoob's awesome site of course: http://mrdoob.com/

I'm getting "Uncaught ReferenceError: Float32Array is not defined" on Chrome on OS X. Anyone else get it to work?

You can start chrome with --enable-webgl on the command line if you are using the latest stable build or as was pointed out, use the dev channel version. (On the chrome download page, right under the huge button for download there is a link to the development version download.)

Chrome 9+, Firefox 4+

Works for me too, about 10FPS in Chromium 9 on 64-bit Ubuntu, 2.4GHz C2D, Nvidia 8400M GS.

I'm impressed that all of this & my hardware rendering are working "straight out of the box". I'm getting ~50fps in chromium 9.0.598.0 under openSUSE 11.3 with a radeon mobility 5650.

Thanks, that worked! This is pretty awesome.

Not working on the latest Chrome or FireFox under XP either.

I can't imagine how it would work anywhere, actually, since the error it's throwing says it's missing that method.

"I'm getting "Uncaught ReferenceError: Float32Array is not defined" on Chrome on OS X"

This error message is not about missing custom method, it's about missing Typed Array data type:


All browsers that support WebGL have these data types, older ones can be missing them.

"Not working on the latest Chrome or FireFox under XP either."

Could you please give us more details (exact browser version, graphics card, eventual error messages / warnings in alerts / console), so that we could figure out where is problem?

For example, "latest Chrome" could be latest dev-channel, latest canary or latest Chromium continuous build.

Chrome 8.0.552.215 FireFox 3.6.12

Both are out-of-the box, with auto-updates on. So it's pretty much what you'd get if you were a typical user on that browser.

It sounds like you're targeting the next crop of as-yet unreleased browsers for your thing. You might want to note that on the demo somewhere, since pretty much nobody but you will be able to make it work right now without downloading a new browser.

"Chrome 8.0.552.215 FireFox 3.6.12"

Thanks. This explains it, neither of these browsers does support WebGL.

"It sounds like you're targeting the next crop of as-yet unreleased browsers for your thing. You might want to note that on the demo somewhere, since pretty much nobody but you will be able to make it work right now without downloading a new browser."

Exactly, you are right. WebGL demos are very much work in progress. They are targeted for browsers which should reach mainstream just sometimes early next year.

There is supposed to be an alert about missing WebGL support, but yes, this could be handled in a nicer way.

Khronos (WebGL standards body) has some plans for handling this "properly". There is a site where should be "official" explanations and instructions how to get WebGL running:


Idea is that application developers could then just point users to this. Though as this is not ready yet, people resort to own case-by-case solutions.

It horks out about the same error in Safari/OS X

On the daily minefield (4.0b8pre from today, ubuntu 10.10, i3 gpu), I get only a flash of some triangles the first time I open the page. Otherwise it's completely empty :( Other webgl demos work well.

Getting "Could not initialise shaders VALIDATE_STATUS: false, gl error [0]" on chromium 10, I think it might be related to the probable lack of shader support in the graphics card of this computer.

Fair warning: froze my browser.

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