I don't know if you've noticed but Intel chips have hardly improved over the years. They've been content with die shrinks for since sandy bridge. And even then, they've had to turn off the speculative hacks because of spectre and meltdown.
Apple also doesn't care about thermal performance. Look at how their i9 models throttle and perform worse than the i7 variants.
If you're buying apple you aren't putting performance first and foremost. It's either because of mac os or the design. You've been able to buy much faster windows laptops for far less money since they switched to intel. That's why a lot of devs have switched to lenovo.
Apple also doesn't care about thermal performance. Look at how their i9 models throttle and perform worse than the i7 variants.
If you're buying apple you aren't putting performance first and foremost. It's either because of mac os or the design. You've been able to buy much faster windows laptops for far less money since they switched to intel. That's why a lot of devs have switched to lenovo.