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Show HN: How to build a simple crypto exchange using AWS (coderecipe.ai)
4 points by coderecipe on April 12, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This is a basic crypto exchange, super simple version of Coinbase, for buying and selling cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum. I use AWS serverless to host the application code and handle blockchain transactions using web3.js, and storing transaction records in AWS Aurora Serverless with their new Data API. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!

I'm not sure that a crypto exchange should be simple.

Thanks for your feedback, in this post I made the assumption that the price of the cryptocurrency doesn't fluctuate automatically based on transaction volume, also I assume that AWS Aurora Serverless takes care of scaling problems such as max conns, etc. Therefore it can be achieve with such simple design. May I ask which part do you think I should dive deeper (overly simplify)? I will definitely improve it. Thank you for your time!

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