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I'm disappointed that motorcycles/scooters and lane splitting aren't brought into the conversation more when discussions about traffic congestion come up. It feels like a win/win for nearly everyone to promote two wheeled transportation and allow them to split lanes or filter through traffic. Those who do not want to ever ride on two wheels still get the benefit of others doing so and essentially taking themselves out of the traffic queue. There's also been studies about how allowing lane splitting/filtering are ultimately safer for the riders too.

Do you have links to some of these studies? Asking as a motorcyclist...

The study that I remember off the top of my head is the one that came out of UC Berkeley. News article: https://news.berkeley.edu/2015/05/29/motorcycle-lanesplittin...

There's been a couple of others that I remember seeing, but I don't remember them or which sources I saw them at.

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