What do you have to hide?
Okay, bad joke, April 1 is over.
In seriousness: please don't do that (yet). If you care deep enough to do all that, why don't you join the local government, the local media, start your own local media, become a counter-movement that doesn't go against the law?
Yes, destruction of government property is a crime, but widespread deployment of surveillance dragnet is a far more clear and present danger to everyone.
It's one of those rare cases through which the government, by doing something, has made the place less "safe" for what? A bit of security? Boulderdash! If anything it's yet another test case on how far total public space information dominance can be pushed. It's a social engineering ploy that needed to stay in the pages of a book of speculative fiction.
In seriousness: please don't do that (yet). If you care deep enough to do all that, why don't you join the local government, the local media, start your own local media, become a counter-movement that doesn't go against the law?