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That's what everyone says and why the world is in the mess it's in.

Roads are antiquated technology. Romania has a chance to leapfrog most of the world and it seems you're looking backward.

Leapfrog? That's long term vision.

We're currently fighting against our government party because they want to put the lead anti-corruption prosecutor in jail as the EU is trying to appoint her as the head of the EU prosecutor's office.

We're talking about people who not only want to stuff their pockets (super bad, but let's say... ok, by local standards) but don't even do their jobs. They're like a parasite that kills the host knowing full well they'll also die without the host.

Heaps of hubris and stupidity lumped up in our politicians.

Roads might surpass trains in the future both in terms of the environment and safety. Self driving electric cars are where it is at, and Romania will get them once they are an affordable commodity.

that sounds like some kind of kool-aid

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