Citrix... mention that to any Hungarian programmer roughly my age and you will likely receive a long string of swearing because the incredibly buggy central system necessary to sign up for courses and exams was only accessible via the Citrix ICA client and back in the second half of the 90s that, in itself, was a huge source of problems beyond the server app not being particularly high quality especially on Linux which was rather important because at this time practically all sane IT students were running Linux to access the Internet (remember, we are talking pre-Windows 2000).
The amazing part to me is that it still sucks: it’s 2019 and random hangs requiring a full session restart are still a daily occurrence, and I recently measured keystroke latency at 130+ms over a LAN. That’s much worse than using X11 over SSH ever was.
It’s been pretty much a law of software for me that once an app is primarily business to business and gets traction in the Fortune 500 expect the functionality to stay the exact same or become worse over the next 10 years