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The following 10 steps will not just get you into software development, but will get you your own startup:

1. identify something that you do on a computer that is repetitive and boring, and think hard about how to automate it;

2. learn any language/tool that's most accessible to you and build something that at least partially automates that task;

3. start using it yourself every day;

4. every time you run into an issue, don't work around it, take the time to improve it;

5. put it on the internet so others can use your tool;

6. get other people that you work with to try it out, listen to them;

7. talk about your new tool to everyone that you encounter or tangentially work with, at meetings, conferences, colleagues, etc;

8. go back to #4 a couple hundred times

9. Eventually, a potential paying customer will appear, do whatever it takes to get their business.

10. Go back to #4.

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