I can't zoom the text on this website. I don't want to generalize to wm design choices but why, why would people do that on some sites, why is this even technically possible.
Thank you for that, I was curious what in CSS would cause this effect that I don't hear often about so I could avoid making that mistake in CSS, looks like it was vmin versus using em. I don't recall if I've ever used vmin, but now I know now to use it for fonts at least, or to mostly avoid it. Looks like your PR made it in too!
It's from the use of `vmin`, which is better used for padding/margins than text. CSS accepts units of measure, `vmin` in this case, interchangeably wherever a property accepts units of measure. Font sizes accept unit of measure, so the site author decided to use `vmin` for the font size.
Not really. It zooms eventually, but then you get to also see how broken scrolling is. (You can't scroll using the space bar, and you can't read what's at the very bottom of the text, or at least not when using my low res large font setup.)