I also do a bit of affiliate marketing on the side. It's not much, but my site just crossed $1k/month December. I've worked about 20 hours on it since this year. My total investment on it is about $800, excluding my time.
Great to hear that! DIY is a bit cheaper, but it takes its time. Depends on your hourly rate what makes more sense.
Do you mind leaving your mail address? If those returns are stable and you want to sell (in the future, too), I would like to talk. Many others here probably too.
Absolutely, DIY takes just way longer. But it's a great industry in that once you know the "recipe", you can take $50k worth of investment and have a hit almost 8 out of 10 times.
Not looking to sell right now though. This site is in a field I have more than an amateur interest in. I plan to stick around with it for a while :)
1. Great content + organic backlinks. It's slow and takes skill (especially in content ideation and creation) but the results will be enduring
2. Great content + cheap, paid backlinks. This one is much faster but requires a budget and there is a substantial risk that Google will simply shoot down your rankings