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It's important to say that the way of drinking is probably everything. No shots, avoiding sugary mixers, avoiding beer if possible (at least the cheaper ones), never mixing different alcohols (even the same type, but of different brands).

The worse you feel the next day after alcohol means the more significant damage you did to your body. If you feel fresh, it says that the damage was almost non-existent (besides liver, which, if you drink a lot of alcohol you should take care separately). Then drinking a lot of water before going to bed will help your body to clean from alcohol.

It's all about alcohol-drinking culture. In some countries drinking alcohol 2-4 times a week is normal (as long as you don't drink to get wasted). But I have seen places (for example Ireland), where drinking to get wasted is an ultimate goal 2-4 times a week. That's the problem imo. Better education and public awareness would help a lot.

Alcohol is a diurrhetic. The worse you feel the next day is entirely caused by dehydration. It has nothing to with what brands you drank and more to do with how dessicating your drinks are. Beer contains more water than liquor.

Drinking water doesn't "clean" you, it stops your kidneys from failing altogether.

You should always pound down water after heavy drinking. It's the only physiological cure for hangovers.

There are societies that drink a lot of alcohol and live long lives by following local "rules" about drinking. People in those societies live long lives.

So I disagree.

A good way to test it - do it yourself. You will see a noticeable difference. Go in the evening after the gym. Hydrate yourself through the day and you will see a huge difference in performance.

There is quite a lot of talk about it in sports/gym circles for many years.

The worse you feel the next day is entirely caused by dehydration

This is demonstrably untrue, and trvial to prove to oneself. A more significant contributor is GABA adaptation and up-regulation by the CNS.

I'm not downplaying dehydration as a factor, but to say it's the ONLY thing is ridiculous.

is there any evidence that mixing alcohols or drinking cheap booze is worse for you?

Try it, then try drinking only one type of better alcohol. Compare how you feel the next day. That should say a lot. It's rather common knowledge that is not proven scientifically.

There has been a lot of talk about it for years in many sport/gym related communities. Those people know how to observe their bodies and reaction.


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