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What on earth is going on in that URL?

Much better one: http://dilbert.com/fast/2010-11-21/

P.S. Dilbert’s “fast” interface is as nice as any comic site on the web. Simple is the name of the game.

P.P.S. I love how the link to it is hidden in the page footer under the title “Linux/Unix”

Two years ago, when dilbert.com was redesigned, Adams talked about the Linux/Unix fast page in a blog post: http://dilbertblog.typepad.com/the_dilbert_blog/2008/04/dilb...

He doesn't explicitly say this, but I think the only way he could convince the owners of the site to have a stripped-down page was to say that the normal design was not usable on Linux. Certainly they want to push people to use the other features and spend money; neither of these things are pushed on the fast page.

It was designed by Mordac, preventer of information services, naturally.

Seriously though, it reeks of corporate Java programmers doing Web programming for the first time, doesn’t it?

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