It's in the context of Elixir, so search for "mint elixir" and I'm sure it'll be quite discoverable - or searching for "mint" on an Elixir contextualized site.
GitHub - ericmj/mint: Functional HTTP client for Elixir with support for ...
Functional HTTP client for Elixir with support for HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 - ericmj/mint.
For me opening up Microsoft Edge which I never use for anything not testing related and hence Google does not know me on that browser and does not guess I want programming stuff Mint Elixir came up #5.
For me on Google, "mint elixir" has the GitHub repo as the first result, then a bunch of links for "How to install Elixir on Linux Mint". DDG gives a software company called "Elixir Mint" as the first result, followed by links to drink recipes, and the GitHub repo is down near the bottom.