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> Couldn't get started on what?

On owning them.

> Anyone can buy in at market value and start using coins for their stored value

Not everybody can, that's the point.

Almost nobody can, expanding the first point.

It's not really a democratic and open process.

It involves a lot of prerequisites that are usually not met by the general population.

> Look at Venezela's attitude towards Bitcoin.

You mean Maduro's?

AFAIK Maduro made bitcoin mining illegal in Venezuela and arrested more than a few miners.

Or do you mean the Petro Coin (a total scam currency) that Maduro tried to force down Venezuelan's throats?

> Almost nobody can, expanding the first point.

Now expand on this point. What about crypto is preventing people from owning some that isn't also preventing them from owning regular money?

> You mean Maduro's?

It's pedantic to differentiate between a State and its actors when discussing policy like this. I mean Venezuela.

I'm talking the Petro Coin, the raids, everything. The whole policy was a response to fears of increased economic freedom for Venezuela's poorest citizens at a time when the government was trying to offload the pain of its bad economic decisions onto them.

> The whole policy was a response to fears of increased economic freedom for Venezuela's poorest

No, it was a scam.

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