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Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2018) [pdf] (incompleteideas.net)
205 points by atomroflbomber on Feb 18, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments

If you ever feel like trying out the algorithms contained in the book without going to the trouble of reimplementing everything from scratch feel free to come over to https://github.com/Svalorzen/AI-Toolbox. This is a library I have maintained during the past 5 years and implements quite a lot of RL algorithms, and can be used with both C++ and Python. It's very focused on being understandable and having a clear documentation, so I'd love to help you out starting up :)

Cool! I'd also like to plug my own RL-related repositories: https://github.com/rldotai/rl-algorithms and https://github.com/rldotai/mdpy .

The first one implements some of the more "exotic" temporal difference learning algorithms (Gradient, Emphatic, Direct Variance) with links to the associated papers. It's in Python and heavily documented.

The second one (mdpy) has code for analyzing MDPs (with a particular focus on RL), so you can look at what the solutions to the algorithms might be under linear function approximation. I wrote it when I was trying to get a feel for what the math meant and continue to find it helpful, particularly when I'm dubious about the results of some calculation.

With all its hype in RL, I am yet to see significant real life problems solved with it. I am afraid with all the funding going into it, and nothing to show for except being able to play complex games, this might contribute to the mistrust in proper utilization of research funds. Also the reproducibility problem in RL is many times worse than in ML.

I agree with you that it's early days for RL. I think some companies are using it in their advertising platforms, but it's not really my field.

That said, I strongly disagree about what constitutes the proper utilization of research funds. IMO, society should invest in basic research without the expectation of solutions to significant real-world problems.

Still, I'd be really surprised if I don't see advances from the field of reinforcement learning used in a ton of applications during my lifetime.

Any area of statistics that does sequential sampling can be framed as RL.

Two areas that stand out to me are all non trivial forms of A/B testing and adaptive (educational) assessment.

So I can see RL augmenting traditional optimal control in regimes outside of previously modeled spaces.

For instance, a machine would operate via optimal control in regimes that are known and characterized by a model, but if it ever gets into a new unmodeled situation, it can use RL to figure stuff out and find a way to proceed suboptimally (subject to safety constraints, etc.).

An illustrative example is Roomba. Roomba is probably based on some form of RL, and it does a decent job. But suppose we have a map of the room that Roomba can use -- this would let it plot the optimal path. However suppose the map of the room is incomplete. Roomba can still operate near optimally within the mapped area, but will have to learn the environment outside the map. Or if the layout of the room has changed since the map was created (new furniture), Roomba's RL can kick in.

I'd bet that sample efficiency is a factor in translating they most hyped bits of RL into solving IRL problems. So many business problems translate to "Learn which of these things to do, as quickly and cheaply as possible."

The authors , Barto and Sutton take such a complicated subject and explain it in such simple prose.

I don’t think think I’ve read any other work that does this as well.

Also RL is only going to grow in use and popularity. Highly recommend it for mL practitioners.

I also recommend interested people to watch David Silver's RL lectures at UCL on YouTube. He covers material from the book.


I hope it grows in popularity if only because its an interesting take on learning. I did a course on RL in 2007 and our textbook was the 1st edition of this book - back then, it was perceived to be a very niche area and a lot of ML practitioners (there weren't many of those either :) ) had only just about heard of RL.

I am happy that it's popular today.

> I am happy that it's popular today.

For doing what?

It's definitely finding a niche in robotic control. My lab just released a paper about running a policy trained in simulation in the real world on a bipedal robot.

Doesn't the Roomba use a form of RL?

My understanding is RL is a reasonable attack for situations where the environment is either (1) mathematically uncharacterized (2) insufficiently characterized (3) characterized, but resulting model is too complex to use, and therefore RL simultaneously explores the environment in simple ways and takes actions to maximize some objective function.

However, there are many environments (chemical/power plants, machines, etc.) where there are good mathematical/empirical data-based models, where model-based optimal control works extremely well in practice (much better than RL).

I'm wondering why the ML community has elected to skip over this latter class of problems with large swaths of proven applications, and instead have gone directly to RL, which is a really hard problem? Is it to publish more papers? Or because self-driving cars?*

(* optimal control tends to not work too well in highly uncertain, non-characterized, changing environments -- self-driving cars are an example of one such environment, where even the sensing problem is highly complicated, much less control)

RL is actually quite an umbrella term for a lot of things. There's policy gradient methods, which improve directly on the policy to select better actions, there's value based methods which try to approximate the value function of the problem, and get a policy from that, and there's model based methods which try to learn a model and do some sort of planning/processing in order to get the policy.

Using model based methods can allow you to do some pretty fancy stuff while massively reducing the number of data samples you need, but on the other side there's a trade off. Using the model usually tends to require lots of not-very-parallelizable computations, and can be more costly computationally. Very large problems can get out of hand pretty quickly, and there's still a lot of work to do before there is something which can be applied in general quickly and efficiently.

Thanks for the insight on RL. That's good context for me.

I would say though that from my experience, computational cost is rarely the issue with model-based control, because there are various attacks ranging from model simplification (surrogate models, piecewise-affine multi-models i.e. switching between many simpler local models, etc) to precomputing the optimal control law [1] to embedding the model in silicon. Also, some optimal models/control laws can actually parallelized fairly easily (MLD models are expressed mixed-integer programs which can be solved in performant ways using parallel algorithms, with some provisos). This is a well-trodden space with a tremendous amount of industry-driven research behind it.

Most of these methods come under the Model Predictive Control (MPC) umbrella which has been studied extensively over 3 decades [2]. The paradigm is extremely simple: (1) given a model of how output y responds to input u, predict over the next n time periods the values of u's needed to optimize an objective function. (2) Implement ONLY the first u. (3) Read the sensor value for y (actual y in real world). (4) Update your model with the difference between actual y and predicted y, move the prediction window forward, and repeat (feedback). When this is applied recursively, you obtain approximately optimal control on real-life systems even in the presence of model-reality mismatch, noise and bounded uncertainty.

If you think about it, this is the paradigm behind many planning strategies -- forecast, take a small action, get feedback, try again. The difference though is that MPC is a strategy with a substantial amount of mathematical theory (including stability analysis, reachability, controllability, etc.), software, and industrial practice behind it.

[1] Explicit MPC http://divf.eng.cam.ac.uk/cfes/pub/Main/Presentations/Morari...

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_predictive_control

(disclaimer: I am not a RL researcher) I think grandparent was using 'model' to refer to model-based or 'value-based' reinforcement learning algorithms (as distinct from 'model-free' methods (ex: 'policy-based' methods)). I don't think they were directly referring to the same 'model' as is meant by MPC.

In RL, the goal is to try to find a function that produces actions that optimize the expected reward of some reward function. Model-based RL methods typically try to extract a function for 'representing' the environment and employ techniques to optimize action selection over that 'representation' (replace the word 'representation' with the word 'model'). Model-free RL methods instead try to directly learn to predict which actions to take without extracting a representation. A good paper describing deep q-learning -- a commonly cited model-free method that was one of the earliest to employ deep-learning for a reinforcement learning task [1].

I think it's worth clarifying -- RL algorithms as a whole are more akin to search than to control algorithms. RL algorithms can be used to solve some control problems -- but that is not all they are used for unless you take an extremely broad view about what constitutes a 'control problem' ... I don't think it would be common to model playing 'go' as a control problem for example -- nor would I consider learning how to play all atari games ever created given only image frames and the current score and no other pre-supplied knowledge to be a control problem ...?

(I'm talking way passed my familiarity now) -- That said, optimal control theory intersects with RL quite a bit in the foundations -- Q-Learning techniques (a foundational family of methods in RL) have proofs that show under what conditions they will converge on the optimal policy -- I believe this mathematics to be quite similar to the mathematics used in optimal control theory...

[1] Deep Q-Networks https://storage.googleapis.com/deepmind-media/dqn/DQNNatureP...

Thanks for sharing some really interesting thoughts. Just to add on to your comment...

The goal of optimal control is broadly similar to RL in that it aims to optimize some expected reward function by optimizing action selection for implementation in the environment.

The difference is the optimal control does not seek to learn either a representation or a policy in real-time -- it assumes both are known a priori.

Both can be thought of as containing hidden Markov models, though in optimal control the transition functions are assumed to be known whereas in RL they are unknown.

Another difference is that in control theory, we assume there is always a model -- though some models are implicit. You see, control algorithms either assume that the environment is explicitly characterized (model-based, like MPC), or that the controller contains an implicit model of the environment (internal model control principle, i.e. we adjust tuning parameters in PID control... there's no explicit model, but a correctly tuned controller behaves like a model-inverse/mirror of reality). In either of these cases, either the implicit or explicit model are arrived at before hand -- once deployed, no learning or continual updating of the controller structure is done.

In contrast, RL has an exploration (i.e. learning) component that is missing from most control algorithms [1], and actively trades-off exploration vs exploitation. In that sense, RL encompasses a larger class of problems than just control theory, whereas control theory is specialized towards the exploitation part of the exploration vs exploitation spectrum.

[1] Though there are some learning controllers like ILCs (iterative learning control) and adaptive controllers which continually adapt to the environment. They have a weakness (perhaps RL suffers from the same) in that if a transient anomalous event comes through, they learn it and it messes up their subsequent behavior...

I’m not sure how comparable adaptive control theory notions are to “reinforcement learning”. Adaptive obviously isn’t a perfectly defined word — but your usage makes me think you might be pondering applying RL to non-stationary environments which I’m not sure is something RL would currently be necessarily likely to perform well for - many reinforcement learning techniques _do_ require (or at least perform much better) when the environment is approximately stationary — of course it can be stochastic but the distributions should be mostly fixed or else convergence challenges are likely to be exacerbated.

If you have a good model, and can use model-based optimal control which has been understood for decades, then that is good but there's also not really a research problem? You can just do the simple, robust thing and it will work great. (i.e. "to publish more papers" is actually a legitimate reason if your job is explicitly to publish papers)

You may enjoy the article, "A Tour of Reinforcement Learning: The View from Continuous Control". At least that researcher would agree that people doing RL don't pay enough attention to "classical" control.


> there's also not really a research problem?

This is also my suspicion. :) But to ignore optimal control altogether makes me suspect many AI researchers aren't familiar with the body of research, and many who've managed a cursory read of Wikipedia may believe that the state of the art in optimal control are LQRs and LQGs, when it's really MPC (which can be thought of as a generalization of LQRs).

Also, MPC is a model-type and optimization-algorithm agnostic paradigm, so there's plenty of ways to combine models/algorithms within its broad framework -- this is partly how many MPC researchers come up with new papers :). I think AI researchers should take a look at it in complement with RL for the problems they're trying to solve.

Thanks for the link to the paper -- I will take a look.

Do you have an example of a self driving car company that uses RL?


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