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Do you really need to “develop together” to do most features? Most work that developers do isn’t writing complex leetCode algorithms. Are you really saying you aren’t capable of turning requirements into software design by yourself?

You seem resistant to the idea of pair programming. I'm assuming you've done very little of it in your impressive career. As a fellow software engineer, I'm surprised you would be so resistant to something you have so little experience in. I'm not trying to convince you to pair program, I'm trying to convince you to read up on it and find out why others think it's great. 'Others' including some very skilled software engineers like Kent Beck. But from his own mouth, "pair programming works best with a large uncertain search space of problems and solutions. the closer to a solved problem, the less it helps" https://twitter.com/kentbeck/status/253532726714580992?lang=...

Most problems that developers face every day are solved problems just in a different domain or with changes around the edge based on requirements.

I have no problem with collaboration - ie I’m working side by side war room style with one person doing the front end, the other doing the back end, the QA person testing, etc.

Do you really need to pair to write yet another software as a service CRUD app?

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