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Working from home, while having a 10 min daily standup voice call. I work with colleagues but mostly on my own stuff, so I get a lot of freedom to handle things.

Same here. With the added bonus of selecting my own schedule. I have a 25-26hr sleep cycle so it is very unproductive for me to be available at 9am or 11am or any specific time daily. I also prefer to work longer hours late at night. Thankfully everyone I work with as well as my wife/kid totally understand this and accommodate my atypical hours.

The end result is I am extremely happy in my work hours and arrangement as long as I don’t have early morning doctor appointments or something.

A 26 hour sleep cycle sounds extreme.

Yeah, it's not by choice though. It can really mess people up if they're not aware of it. This NASA TED talk about time on Mars discusses how a different cycle can affect others too: https://www.ted.com/talks/nagin_cox_what_time_is_it_on_mars

Ever since I saw that video, I've worked hard to (1) make sure others aren't negatively affected by my schedule (2) accept that until something brings me back to a 24-hour cycle, I have to persisently keep working on (1). Every other week I will go to bed at 10pm with my wife and wake up naturally at 5am and she'll have a great day being coordinated with my schedule. But within a week I'll be going to bed at 6am and waking up at 12-2pm. Every month or so I will stay up 30-36hrs without even trying.

None of this is due to bad habits, lack of sunlight, or lack of exercise etc. Doesn't matter what I do or don't do, my body just doesn't live in a 24-hour world. So I've learned to let it do its thing and work/sleep/eat/play when I feel like. Never been happier.

what's a 25-26hr sleep cycle?

I have been mostly working from home for the better part of 15 years and I an truly beginning to detest it. I am often distracted and lonely. On the other hand, I can avoid the terrible traffic, and I have more time to do side contracts or work on my business. There’s always a tradeoff.

Ditto, but only a once a week planning meeting on Monday, then followup with my manager via slack/hangouts as needed.

Also: a great manager who advocates for my product and career and shields me from politics.

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