I apologise. I was uhmming and ahhing about whether or not to post it. I felt that whether or not it's genuinely a HN-type discussion, particularly the on-topicness of it.
In the end I went for it for two reasons. Firstly I'd say it's arguably on-topic at the moment, given that the top comments still have comments from the other thread. I think a couple of weeks from now and it wouldn't be, but while it's fresh in people's minds who participated in the original discussion, I felt it was a well written piece that gave some good advice (and perhaps some not so good advice for all situations).
If you had to reduce it to a sentence, the answer might be: anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity.
The discussions on the original thread talked a lot about what people would/did do, but a lot of people didn't seem to understand the risks as an adult. I felt that people would enjoy this, but that some wouldn't.
So I apologise to those that don't like it for posting it - I understand entirely where you're coming from, but I posted it for those that took part in the previous discussion. Hopefully it'll run it's course and we can all go back to talking about Erlang again.