This was blown way out of proportion by the media. Did anyone really think Apple would introduce streaming without Steve Jobs doing a presentation on it?
The media has no vested interest in maintaining skepticism anymore, on any event, in any context.
People keep coming back to the respective sites no matter how many times they blow minor things out of proportion. No matter how many times they construct huge stories around zero facts. No matter how many times they skew things into a false dichotomy to rile up bases. No matter how many times they ignore the important in favor of the soundbite.
So, yeah, of course it was blown out of proportion. They had nothing else easy to write about that would garner half as much attention as veiled promises of magic from Cupertino on an otherwise quiet Monday.
this was blown way out of proportion by apple, too. they had the big, ominous message on their front page, and it wasn't that different of a cryptic message than what they usually post up for other actual product announcements.