>So, let‘s not celebrate slacking by claiming it to have some intrinsic value.
This is the exact reason why slacking evolved. We are unable to expend all the energy, because those who were and faced an emergency at the wrong moment when they were already exhausted were either unable to deal with the problem or collapsed and died.
Speculation! Slacking individuals probably got turned into food more often than not, until we discovered agriculture.
> those who were and faced an emergency at the wrong moment when they were already exhausted were either unable to deal with the problem or collapsed and died.
Those who weren't prepared probably died. Preparation could mean stocking up in supplies, training, building weapons.
Was about to make a case around how indigenous cultures work, but you nailed it. I'll go a step further:
I think the future holds for the world an emergent culture of compassionate giving. A world designed to be loving as a first principle.
In that world, "slacking" is what you do when you let out some rope. Or it's a word that old people use to signal when they're either having a flashback, have chosen to carry on judgmental ways of the past, and/or are triggered. Unless we're talking about the loving world beyond the point where all the slacker-haters died off.
This is the exact reason why slacking evolved. We are unable to expend all the energy, because those who were and faced an emergency at the wrong moment when they were already exhausted were either unable to deal with the problem or collapsed and died.