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Thanks so much for the compliment. This is probably a bi-product of the maze generation algorithm I used. Essentially, at every step, the algorithm bisects the maze horizontally or vertically - then, it chooses a random cell along this bisection to leave open (that way the 2 resulting regions are still connected). Then, the same algorithm is performed on the 2 new regions. Recursion continues until it no longer makes sense to continue bisecting.

Wikipedia has an article on maze generation that explains the algorithm - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maze_generation_algorithm

You’ll have fun if you implement all the generation algorithms in that article. If you want to get rid of the visible bisect structure, you can use your solver with only slight modifications to generate your maze.

I can confirm that that's exactly what happened, different generation algorithms have a different "texture" to them in precisely this way and those textures do sometimes have a byproduct of making the maze easier or harder to solve.

The algorithm with the least helpful "texture" is probably Wilson's algorithm, which basically says: choose a point at random out in the unsolved territory and begin a random walk: when you reach the solved territory (the maze as it is already known), add those points back to the maze; when you self-intersect you should delete the random walk back to where you self-intersected. (For the very first walk, furthermore, there is only one "solved" point in the maze so you may wish to speed up maze generation by doing a different random walk that just "busts down walls" into the as-yet-unknown area; this is called Aldous-Broder and it has the opposite problem where it tries to randomly walk into unsolved space so it takes forever when the unsolved space becomes rare.) So one would start from,

    function* randomWalkPoints({ x, y }, height, width) {
      const incr = [{dx: -1, dy: 0}, {dx: 1, dy: 0}, {dx: 0, dy: -1}, {dx: 0, dy: 1}];
      while (true) {
        const { dx, dy } = incr[Math.floor(4 * Math.random())];
        const new_x = x + dx, new_y = y + dy;
        if (new_x >= 0 && new_x < width && new_y >= 0 && new_y < width) {
          x = new_x;
          y = new_y;
          yield { x, y };
Now, the algorithm might get a bit weird because it looks like you are using block mazes rather than conventional thin-walled mazes; every n-by-m thin-walled maze has an embedding as a block maze of size (2n+1)-by-(2m+1) simply by making (0, y) and (x, 0) all walls, every (odd, odd) point is empty space representing one of the squares of the original maze, every (even, even) point is a block, and (odd, even) and (even, odd) points are blocks if and only if there is a vertical/horizontal wall between the corresponding squares in the original maze. So all of the resources you will find are talking about mazes that look like,

    ║           ║       ║
    ║   ╔═══         ═══╣
    ║   ║               ║
    ║   ║    ═══╗    ═══╣
    ║   ║       ║       ║
    ║   ╚═══════╣   ║   ║
    ║           ║   ║   ║
    ╠═══════    ╚═══╣   ║
    ║               ║   ║
and then in your context this becomes:

    X X X X X X X X X X X
    X . . . . . X . . . X
    X . X X X . X . X X X
    X . X . . . . . . . X
    X . X . X X X . X X X
    X . X . . . X . . . X
    X . X X X X X . X . X
    X . . . . . X . X . X
    X X X X X . X X X . X
    X . . . . . . . X . X
    X X X X X X X X X X X
So I'm not 100% sure whether you would want to just restrict yourself to block mazes of this type, or whether you would want to just try something like "I modify Wilson's to keep track of walls I have already placed, too, and then when I intersect with myself on a path that already hit a block wall, I discard back to the open-space which placed that block" to get a slightly more general vision of the problem... I am not sure how you'd want to handle that.

+1 for the ascii art alone. HN never ceases to amaze me

It's a very noticeable pattern and detrimental to the beauty of the maze but the solver works well.

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