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Ask HN: How to organize productive meetings
9 points by luka-birsa on Jan 25, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I'm looking to build a tool that will help you organize a productive meeting with coworkers - find a slot that works for all. I'm envisioning that this would be a part of our app as well as possibility in a Slack bot. I'd also like to include features that make a meeting more productive - eg. compulsory agenda, meeting rating system, etc...

How do you make your meetings productive today?

Some helpers:

- Productive meetings are not a problem for you - if so: how large is your company, what is your secret?

- How do you figure out when your coworkers have time for a meeting? Do you ever use Googles "find me a time slot" or something else just to save time finding a timeslot?

- Do you have problems finding a room in which to meet?

- What are key things that you need to have a productive meeting?

- Did you ever try using any of the scheduling solutions (like Slack meeting bots)? Which? What do you think about them?

- Did you ever try using any phone apps? Which? What do you think about them?

- Specification documents.

- Agenda and link to specification/problem on meeting e-mail.

- 4 People or less in a meeting.

I don't think tech is the main issue. I believe it is keeping meetings on track. Make sure the right people are in the meeting. Have an agenda and avoid getting side tracked.

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