Stallman is totally ok with the "GPL Loophole" that allows service providers to not give back their changes since they aren't re-distributing the software. If postgres and all citusdata stuff was GPL, this wouldn't change really anything.
Now the Affero GPL prevents this, but Stallman has always been crystal clear he sees the "service provider loophole" as an ok thing and not evil.
Ah then perhaps I misunderstood this interview[0].
Q: All right. Now, I've heard described what is called an Application Service Provider - an "ASP loophole"...
Richard Stallman: Well, I think that term is misleading. I don't think that there is a loophole in GPL version 2 concerning running modified versions on a server. However, there are people who would like to release programs that are free and that require server operators to make their modifications available. So that's what the Affero GPL is designed to do. And, so we're arranging for compatibility between GPL version 3 and the Affero GPL. So we're going to do the job that those developers want, but I don't think it's right to talk about it in terms of a loophole.
Q: Very well.
Richard Stallman: The main job of the GPL is to make sure that every user has freedom, and there's no loophole in that relating to ASPs in GPL version 2.
The article keepper posted was written in 2010, while the interview you linked to happened in 2007. Like any of us, RMS's beliefs and opinions evolve over time.
Love or hate Richard Stallman, he is unbelievably resolute in his points of view. They've rarely changed, even though GNU effectively "lost" and open source is generally seen as more business friendly. You've got to give the guy credit for where it is due, and he's preaching almost exactly the same thing he was before I had used a computer today.
I think you may be over analyzing this. I think his point is simply that the GPL has no loophole in terms of being intentionally designed to be worked around with for SaaS providers, it just was designed at a time and primarily for desktop software/software where this was not a common concern, but it was found to be a problem hence the Affero GPL. He specifically says v3 is more compatible with Affero GPL.